Little Things

  •  JJ wrote me a lovely personal email on his p-day yesterday and it ended with this.  “Again, thanks for everything you’ve done for me. You’re the best! I don’t stop thinking about you!”
  • On the very same day we got an actual letter from Wiyah where she said to me, “I love your confidence. I love your spunky attitude and the way you get into your stories.”
  • The Hubba tells the girls epic adventure stories on the way to school in the mornings.  The main characters are Hubba, Wink and Pink.
  • Walking home from church a week agoIMAG1660
  • An email from the mom of one of my primary kids:  “So I just have tears streaming down my face that you have been able to look into [my child’s] heart. It means so much to me, to [my child], to [my husband]. [My husband] and I have talked about you a lot actually, weeks before we even came into your classroom we both said how amazing we think you are. I KNEW what a good and genuine teacher you were because I have been in primary with you. [My husband] knew how amazing you were as a person and choir director and wife to the scout master! 🙂 But both of us have been only more grateful and amazed as we have been able to be a part of your class. You have a gift with those children. You see them as Christ sees them. You love them. And they feel it. [My child] feels it. You are patient, your expectations are so inline with what they can actually do and I LOVE your philosophy on it all. I have always wondered how you have such great kids- your kids are so great, so kind, unspoiled, sweet, smart. After being in your lesson on Sunday I thought to myself “I know why her kids are so great now.” You respect them and love them and you have a deep knowledge and love of God, the scriptures and his gospel and you pass that on to them. I feel so blessed that you are [my child’s] teacher and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you are doing in primary and with [my child.]

One thought on “Little Things

  1. Anonymous March 4, 2016 / 2:05 pm

    That was that bothersome (commenting). I’ve been following you for some time now, your stories and commentary are inspiring. Keep it up, my kids and I can’t wait for the next installment. Chris.


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