Cranberry White Chocolate Pancakes

I made these the other day.  I was trying to use up some food and we had two bags of cranberries in our freezer and a lone bag of white chocolate chips that must have been purchased by mistake.  So I searched for a way to use them and this is what I decided on.

  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 7 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 3 cups milk (I used powdered)
  • 2 egg (I used powdered)
  • 6 tbsp melted butter (I used oil)
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • ~2 cup fresh cranberries, halved if they are large
  • ~2 cups  white chocolate chips

You basically stir up the dry ingredients, add the wet, cook the way you normally cook pancakes and sprinkle the chips and cranberries on the poured pancakes before you flip.

What I noticed first about the pancake batter was that all that baking powder made the batter very poofy and light.  My pancake batter doesn’t usually look like that and I wondered if I did something wrong.  I hoped I had done something right and that somehow this was going to make the pancakes awesome.  But they just tasted normal. Fine.

I used 1/4 cup measure to pour the pancakes and this recipe made about 28.  I sprinkled the cranberries and chips on top but ended up with more than half of the white chocolate chips leftover and a little less than half of the cranberries leftover.  Oops.

The pancakes were pretty good.  The recipe said to go ahead and use maple syrup and I worried that maybe the white chocolate wouldn’t be sweet enough to counteract the tart cranberries.  But Baboo said it was too sweet with the syrup.  Some of the other kids felt like they weren’t sweet enough without syrup.  Also, we didn’t have any butter so that probably had affected things, too.  Maybe it would have been sweet enough if I had used the correct amount of white chocolate chips!

Anyway, since I do have so many leftovers, that means I’ll be giving them another try tomorrow morning.  So we’ll see how they do.

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