Wink’s Baptism

A few weeks ago we were sitting down with Wink trying to figure out who was going to do what for her baptism.  She really wanted our bishop to be there and was going to assign him a talk!  But the Hubba told her to keep it in the family.  So she did.  Only we got to the end of the family before we got to the end of the things to do at the baptism!  We didn’t even have enough people in our family to field a baptism service!  So strange.  I ended up doing double duty by leading the music and giving the opening prayer.

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X baptized Wink.  I don’t know what makes a Mama prouder–having her last child choose to enter in at the gate of Salvation or having her 16 year old son provide that saving ordinance!

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I had spent a lot of time with Wink this morning getting her showered and dressed and doing her hair.  I just wanted to lavish on the attention for her special day.  I also loved the time with her in the changing room and seeing how happy she was for her baptism and the excitement that she had looking forward to her confirmation.  I was just so happy to be there helping her change and making sure her hair looked great and talking to her and hugging her.  I love that spunky girl.

After the baptism, the Hubba confirmed Wink a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and gave her the gift of the Holy Ghost.  What a great blessing.

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These two handsome devils were the speakers at Wink’s baptism.  Mack spoke on baptism and Kelvinator spoke on the gift of the Holy Ghost.  They were great talks.  Mack’s was particularly awesome because when he was quoting the 4th article of faith he actually said, “dot dot dot baptism by immersion for the remission of sins.”  And also because of his sweet testimony at the end.  Kelvinator’s was particularly awesome because it was so very thoughtful.  He is very careful about words (just like when he was little) and only says the exact thing that he means.

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Baboo played all the music.  Here she is with our lovely former sister missionary who is now living not very far from us.  They are going to church together tomorrow.  She was so sweet to come to Wink’s baptism (and bring her a little gift–a baptismal plaque with a poem and a sweet little compass necklace to remind her that the Holy Ghost will always help her find her way) and we were thrilled to have her there!

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Wink wanted to sing her favorite primary song as the opening song.  A Child’s Prayer.  For the closing song, she chose “Love At Home.”  It was one of the sweetest moments for me to be leading that song while watching tall X sit with both his arms around his little sisters as they leaned tight into him.  I wish I could have stopped the song to pull out my camera.

Pink gave the closing prayer.  It was such a wonderful and thoughtful prayer.  She did not blast through it but asked for such special blessings for Elise and all of us.  After the meeting I was greeting a friend of mine who had sung in the choir and whose daughter I had taught in Primary last year.  She was a little teary and told me what a great and spiritually powerful meeting it had been–especially Pink’s prayer.  She was very touched by it.  She said lots of great things about my kids and how the world needs them.

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These are actual flat-footed sizes.

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After the baptism, we came home where Wink was just too excited because she knew she was going to be presented with her scriptures from her grandparents.  They couldn’t be here for the baptism but will see her soon.

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Shortly after that, a friend from her Primary class who couldn’t make it to the baptism came by with another gift–a treasure box that is symbolic of the great treasure she now has in the gift of the Holy Ghost.

One thought on “Wink’s Baptism

  1. Anonymous April 11, 2016 / 6:13 pm

    What a great day!!!


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