A Product Sponsor Moment-Let’s talk toothpaste

A couple of months ago, Baboo mentioned to me that she had switched toothpaste brands–using Colgate Optic White toothpaste that a friend had recommended to her.  She hadn’t realized how well it was working until she ran out and started using another kind and she noticed a total difference.  She raved about this toothpaste.

So the next time I had to buy toothpaste, I went to buy that kind.  It was so expensive!  I usually buy the absolute cheapest toothpaste I can find.  I just couldn’t pay $4 for toothpaste!  Colgate Optic White is the one in the shiny red box.  On the next shelf below was Colgate Total Whitening.  I looked at ingredients and couldn’t tell a difference.  It was also in a shiny box.  And it cost $1 less.  So I bought that kind.

I can’t say that I was blown away by it.  I don’t remember when we first even opened the package or noticing anything different about brushing my teeth.  It’s just teeth-brushing anyway.

But not too long ago, that tube of toothpaste ran out and until we could get to the store, we started using some travel sized tubes we had around the house.  Then last week, I sent the kids to the store to get more toothpaste.  I had specified Colgate brand, but was too lazy to write out exactly what I wanted.  I meant to just verbally talk to them about it before they left, but I didn’t.  So like children who know the miserly ways of their mama, they came back with the cheapest tube of Colgate toothpaste.

I have been brushing my teeth with that for about two weeks now and I recognize the difference now!

  1. This regular colgate doesn’t foam up as well.  I certainly didn’t think foaming ability was a big deal in toothpaste.  But there are lots of places in your mouth that you don’t brush and lots of cracks and crevices that you may miss while brushing.  Having the foam reach those places is important.
  2. Freshness.  This is probably the first thing I notice after brushing my teeth with regular Colgate.  I’m still aware of my breath.  Not that it’s bad.  I don’t think it is!  But it’s there.  After I brush my teeth I want to walk away from the sink feeling fresh and clean and ready to face the day.  And I did with Colgate Total.  I do remember that.  That after I would brush my teeth my mouth felt sparkly clean and fresh.  Now even just moments after rinsing it feels warm and not clean or fresh.
  3. Long-lasting clean.  I didn’t realize how much cleaner Colgate Total was keeping my teeth until I switched back.  Every single day, as the day progressed, my teeth just felt gross.  Right after I brushed they were smooth and clean.  But as the hours ticked on, I could feel the build-up, which is so gross to even say, let alone actually feel.  I constantly felt like I needed to brush my teeth multiple times a day.  I also noticed that my kids teeth started looking iffy, too.  I was constantly asking them if they had really brushed their teeth because I could SEE that their teeth weren’t looking clean.  They swore to me that they had!

So anyway, I want what I had before.  So when I was at Costco the other day, I saw a 5 pack of Colgate Optic White on sale for $10.  That’s only $2 a tube, instead of $4.  That’s 50% off.  And it’s only a dollar more than I usually pay per tube.

And it is so worth it!

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