Sometimes Customer Service Works

I have a history of being on hold for hours on the phone trying to take care of things and ending the phone call frustrated.  There have been precious few instances of great customer service in my life.  I am hoping that this interaction will be one of those.

I emailed Daily Bread to tell them how repulsive their strawberry creamed what was and asked if I could have a refund.  You know, they sell this stuff as “food insurance” and pretty much we all preferred fasting.  Two days later I got a phone call back from a customer service rep who apologized and offered to have UPS come pick up our entire line of breakfast foods to take back to the lab for testing and they would replace it with 13 fresh cans from their new line.

So we picked out some new food and everything is ready to go tomorrow.  Except that I can’t find the packing tape!  You have no idea how tremendously repetitive this is.  Every single time I need packing tape, I can never find any.  So I go to the store to buy a brand new roll and then use it for my purpose.  But the next time I need packing tape, I have to go to the store again.  I should have 14 rolls of packing of tape around here someplace.  But instead, I will probably have to make an early morning run for tape in order to have things ready for when the UPS guy shows up.

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