Feast and Famine

Back in April, our bishopric announced that during the month of May, we were going to be having a rolling fast for missionary work.  They wanted each family to take a day in May where they would fast for that purpose.  By the time I signed up, all of the weekend days were accounted for.  So I chose the 18th.

As the fast drew nearer, the girls who had never fasted on a non-Sunday before were concerned about how that would work.  They had a good point.  All of the kids who have fasted during a weekday have been high school students.  We’ve never had elementary school kids fasting before.  So we thought that maybe they could start their fast after lunch on Tuesday and then break their fast with lunch on Wednesday.  That way they wouldn’t have to deal with what to do at lunch time if you’re fasting.  I suggested we also talk to Dad to get some ideas.

In talking with the Hubba, we were concerned about these little girls who would be fasting three times in one month!  Was it really necessary?  Should they do a full fast or an abbreviated fast?  Or not fast at all?  If they do fast, what is the best way to handle lunch at school?  Wink had only fasted twice before in her life!  We didn’t come up with any answers.

Then before I knew it, it was Tuesday night already.  And we hadn’t gotten back to the girls about starting their fast earlier that day and now it was too late.  So we all ate dinner.  The Hubba and I still weren’t sure how to counsel the little girls so we decided to leave it up to them and their faith.  When we were tucking them in bed last night, we talked about their options and they both independently decided to do full fasts.  It was so amazing to see such burgeoning faith and power.  That even when we, their parents, gave them alternatives to limit their sacrifice, they held themselves to the higher standard.

In the end, the girls chose to break their fasts shortly after getting home from school, which was just two hours short of a full 24 hour fast.  And they did that at school, during lunch time, during recess.  All for missionary work.

Usually I try to make an extra special dinner for when we break a fast.  So I had plans to make this great meal.  And I started getting it in the crock pot at noon.  I wanted it to be so yummy and filling!  And there was a point during the day when I realized that Pink and Wink will have already eaten, Baboo is going on a date and won’t be here, X works Wednesday evenings so he will break his fast in the middle of his work shift, Hubba, Kelvinator and Mack are leaving for a scout activity at 4:30 and won’t be back until after 7.  So you know who’s going to enjoy this warm, yummy, filling meal?  Me.

And I tell you what, if I had thought ahead and realized I would be the only one eating, I would have just made myself a PBJ!

Also, I really LOVED this morning–not having to worry about breakfast or lunches meant I got to sleep in late and still just enjoy the morning with family stress-free!

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