Best Salad Ever

I actually really enjoy salads.  But I am not good at making them.  So I like to eat salads away from home usually.  But today I had a bunch of spinach I needed to use before it went bad.  I also had strawberries.  Ooh.  And mandarin oranges!  And don’t we have some romaine?

So I consulted with my facebook friends about what else I should add and they did not let me down.  The salad I ended up making tonight had:

  • Spinach
  • Romaine
  • Strawberries
  • Mandarin oranges
  • Red onion
  • Cucumbers
  • Honey roasted pecans
  • Dried Cranberry
  • Simply Dressed Lemon Vinaigrette

Oh my heavenly nutritious goodness!  So freaking deliciously awesome!  It’s the kind of salad where I’m wondering how much of this I have to leave for the other people who haven’t come home for dinner yet.  How much can I get away with eating all on my own right now?

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