Little Things

  •  X worked an 11 hour shift yesterday installing fences with the high temperature in the mid-90s.  He didn’t eat lunch because his lunch break happened before 11am and he wasn’t hungry.  Then he went straight from work to the soccer frields where he played three games in a row.  Despite the fact that he hurt his leg yesterday and that in the past month he has suddenly contracted a raging case of seasonal allergies that started acting up again over night, he was off at 7:30 this morning for another full+ day of physical labor.  I feel proud.
  • Yesterday Winkleberry got a sunburn kind of in the forward crook of her armpits (I have no idea).  She is browniest brownie and doesn’t have any experience with sunburns.  Last night before bed she was crying because of the pain.  I applied some solarcaine–aloe with lidocaine to numb it and help it feel better.  But she just started screaming and freaking out because that made the pain worse.  So I gently wiped that off and ran to get some Basic H.  It was almost funny to see her immediately stop crying as the pain went away.  I don’t know why this works, but it totally does.  I’ve used it on myself for heat burns and the relief is instantaneous but only lasts for a few minutes.  Anyway, I was glad to have a last trick up my sleeve to soothe her.
  • Baboo was visiting for a wedding in Canada this weekend and got a concussion when a car door slammed into her head.  She’s home now and resting.  But yesterday we were in the car and I was in the back seat with her.  I had my arm around her and she was leaning into me with her head on my shoulder.  I’m so happy that she likes me enough for that intimacy and that she gets comfort from being close to me.  I buried my face in the top of my head and was so happy for another chance to hold my baby girl.
  • Because of the concussion, she’s not really supposed to use her brain.  She’s sleeping a lot so that’s good.  But when she is awake she is REALLY bored.  Because resting your brain means you can’t do anything!  So last night after everyone was in bed, I was reading to her all the messages her friends had left for her on facebook.  It was sweet.  And then I was replying to a couple friends and she wanted to know what I was saying.  She wanted me to reply with “Sassy Mom”.  Which I did.  It made her laugh and she told me she loved it when I am sassy.
  • Later on I was playing back the video of when she got her wisdom teeth out.  We were both laughing so hard.  At one point she said,“Well this makes me feel so much better about my concussion. I feel so capable right now!”  And then later on after listening to me taking care of her she said, “You’re such a good mom.”
  • Pinkleberry had a little summer meltdown on the evening of the first day and I just told her to go to her room and she could spend the rest of the evening up there.  Later on, she came out to tell me that she was “sorry for being a pain in the neck earlier” and then finished everything I had asked her to do earlier and then went straight to bed.
  • I am still watching Roots.  It is so poignant.
  • The Hubba taking care of all the sprinkler stuff.
  • A real summer!  It’s not raining or snowing or cold!  I hate summer vacations that start out that way.  All of the kids have already been swimming twice at least.  Kelvinator and Mack are old enough to be at the pool by themselves!
  • There is a man in this world who works hard every day for me and my children.  He supports me and does everything he can so that I can stay home with our kids.
  • X and I had an entire text conversation in Spanish!

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