
Pink:  Ugh.  I have boogers in my throat.  I hate that.

Mack:  That’s not boogers in your throat.

Pink:  Yeah!

Mack.  No.  That’s just snot running down to your stomach.

We were at a wedding and reception today where the bride was Hawaiian.  So all the wedding party guys outside of the temple were wearing blue shirts and khaki shorts with leis.  And all the girls were wearing flower sundresses with bands of flowers like crowns around their heads.  The reception was a luau with island decorations, Hawaiian music, hula dancing and great food.  Baboo was lamenting our own lack of any special cultural things to do at weddings and we were joking around about…

You know what?  I’m afraid to even say it because no offense was meant.  But the PC world we live in is just crazy and I’d hate for someone to take it in the wrong way.  Suffice it to say, Baboo had me laughing so hard at the absolutely ridiculous cultural customs she could put into play on her wedding day.

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