My Favorite Teaching Moment in Primary Today

Our class had left sharing time early because it was our turn to go spend time with the Bishop.  Our Bishop is awesome and he is good with kids, teens, and adults.  So it was a really great little time with him instructing and teaching the kids.

Afterwards, we were going to have class outside under a tree but before we went, we stopped by the bathroom.  I was waiting outside the bathroom with one boy while we waited for everything else.  He was very chatty.

Boy:  You know how sometimes I disappear from Primary?  If you ever wonder I am, I’m probably with the bishop.  He’s my Band-aid man.  Like sometimes if I get a cut on my finger and I’m bleeding, the bishop always has bandaids.  And if he doesn’t have a band-aid, he takes me to that closet with the first-aid kit that has the bandaids.  I mean, I mostly remember where it is.  But sometimes I get lost.

Me:  Do you know what an analogy is?

Boy:  No.

Me:  It’s one thing that is similar to something else.  It’s two things that are like each other.  So you just told me about how the bishop helps you find band-aids when you are hurt and bleeding.  That’s like how it is spiritually, too.  Sometimes our spirits get hurt or injured through sin or challenges.  Like a spiritual owie.  And if we go to the bishop when we feel that way, he can help us get what we need to fix the owie.  A sort of spiritual band-aid.

Boy:  (eyes lighting up)  Woah!   Cool!

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