
I love Mack’s brain.  This morning while eating breakfast he was asking me lots of questions about evaporation and whether other liquids besides water evaporated and crazy “what would happen if…” scenarios.  I couldn’t keep up.  Then out of the blue…

Mack:  Isn’t it weird that ten years from now, the books we think are really good we’ll think are just stupid?  Like what books did you like when you were my age?

Me: (the only book that came to mind was “Flowers in the Attic” *blush*) When I was your age, I read lots of romance books!  You know how you guys read lots of fantasy?  I used to read lots of love stories.

Mack:  The thing I hate about fantasy books is that they always throw in so many awkward dating scenes.  Like when Harry and Cho go out on a date and they don’t even DO anything.

Me:  Real life is full of lots of awkward dating scenes, too.

Mack:  I know.  It’s like you’re totally calm on the outside but inside it’s a fire storm!  With chunks of buildings falling down and a firenado headed straight towards you.

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