
We had a pretty late dinner.  Kelvinator was at a friend’s house and still hadn’t made it home by the time we were sitting down to eat.  Since X was the only one who had his phone on him, we had X text him.  He said he’d be home shortly.  But we finished eating, the kids got ready for bed, and we had our family scripture study and prayer and Kelvinator still was not home.  So we asked X to call him…

X:  Where the hache are you?  Didn’t you text me like an hour ago saying you’d be right home?  You missed dinner.  You missed scriptures and prayer.  You missed the Spirit.  What does Zach have that we don’t have?  A girlfriend?  Napoleon Dynamite?  I ought to paint you green and spank you like a disobedient avocado!

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