On This Day Two Years Ago

Baboo wrote this on facebook.  It made me cry then and it made me cry again today.

Today my mom said, “I’m so behind on everything! I’ve been getting nothing done recently. I haven’t even finished Christmas shopping yet.”
I remembered that a few days ago, when she texted me late one night while I was out to sign some Christmas cards when I got in. I got home to find stuffed stockings laid out for my mission companions who are still in Canada who will be away from home this Christmas.
And then today I watched her run extra errands to serve my dad, and make me lunch even though I can do it on my own, and treat a sibling who had a rough start to their day, and respond to the sister missionaries’ requests to drive them ALL OVER TOWN and wait for them while they ate lunch and went grocery shopping.

I’m grateful for a mom who doesn’t believe in taking days off, who doesn’t ever think “I just need some ME time,” who is a mom 100% of the time and a Christlike servant to everyone else. And even if she may not be accomplishing everything she wants to this season, she certainly understands that “giving” around Christmastime means more than buying gifts. She gives her heart, and she wears herself out doing it. I love my mom.

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