Senior Year

About once a week (sometimes more) Kelvinator just comes up to me and says, “I love high school.”  It always makes me happy because I loved high school, too!  A lot of people say they would never go back and do it again.  But I had a lot of fun and would love to revisit it.

Tell us about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be!
The year: 1989-1990

1. Did you know your significant other then? I wish.  I wouldn’t meet him for another two years.  Pretty sure I would have had a crush on him.

2. Did you carpool to school?  No.  My Freshman year, I lived across town and took a city bus to school.  A couple of my friends took the same bus with me.  That next summer, we moved into a house that was about 1/2 block away from the school.  I loved being so close to my school.  It made it really easy to manage an otherwise crazy schedule.

3. What kind of car did you have?  I did not have a car but I drove my mom’s gold pontiac station wagon that had a lot of lights on the dashboard and my friend’s called it The Enterprise.

4. It’s FRIDAY night football, were you there? Absolutely no place else to be!  I went to every home game and when I was younger, would often watch the Freshman and JV games, too.  And let’s be honest, I often just hung out in the stadium after school watching practices.  It took me a while to figure out enough about the game of football.  But I loved my school and loved my team.

5. What kind of job did you have? I didn’t really work much in high school.  I don’t think I worked at all my senior year.  I was super busy with volleyball, basketball, drama, French club (president) and United World Club (president).

6. Were you a party animal? Not really.  I liked to be where people were.  I liked to cruise Central and I enjoyed stopping in at McDonald’s to see what everyone was up to.  But I wasn’t the life of any party and didn’t get invited and shouldn’t have gone even if I had been invited because they were just excuses to do naughty things.

7. Were you considered a jock?  I don’t know.  I mean, maybe?  Are girls even considered jocks?  I was known as an athlete, I think.  But I had teammates who also did track or played softball.  I certainly didn’t do that.

8. Were you in the Choir? I did take choir because I had loved it in junior high.  But the high school choir was a total joke and after a semester of completely wasting my time, I was glad to get out.  Seriously.

9. Were you a nerd? Not completely, I don’t think.  I guess it depends on how you define nerd?  I was in the IB program, got good grades.  But it was more because I figured out how to rock the system, not because I was particularly smart.

10. Did you get suspended or expelled? No way.  I only missed one day of high school my entire four years because I was home sick.  I was sad not to have perfect attendance.  I loved school.

11. Can you sing the fight/school song? 
Go, Mustangs, Go
And we are sure to win the game
Go, Mustangs, Go
And we will win our way to fame.
Fight, Mustangs, Fight
Whether winning or behind
If you’re an M-U-S-T-A-N-G
Stand up and fight, Mustangs, fight!

Pretty sure on of those “Go, Mustangs…” is supposed to say something else.  But I’m close!

12. Where did you eat lunch?  Usually at our “tree” on the quad.  It was a great shady spot where I could see everything happening on campus and keep my eyes on all the cute boys.  Oh yeah!  And sometimes we spent lunch in the auditorium working on our play.  And then we found the closet where the mats for track and field were stored and we often spent lunch hour climbing around on those playing king of the mountain and flirting with each other.

13. What was your school mascot? Mustang!

14. If you could go back and do it again would you?  Yes, I totally would.  I had so much fun and it was such an exciting time.  I would love to fix a few mistakes and make it 100% perfect.

15. Are you planning on going to your next high school reunion? I have been to my ten and twenty year reunion, even though they were kind of lame.  And if another one got planned, I would totally be there, too.

16. Are you still in contact with people from high school?  Wow.  This actually makes me sad.  I’m facebook friends with a lot of them.  But we don’t actually interact much.  Not even with my best friends.  I think other people didn’t love high school or those relationships as much as I did.  But I’m still very close and have a lot of affection for my high school teachers and they’ve kept in touch with so many of us.

17. Do you know where your high school sweetheart is today?  I didn’t really have a high school sweetheart.  I had plenty of crushes, though, and I have a vague awareness of where they are and what they’re doing.

18. What was your favorite subject? During just my senior year?  French, English and Drama.

19. Do you still have your High School Ring?  No.  I had it for a long time but it was too big for my finger and somewhere over the years it got lost.

20. Do you still have your yearbook? Totally.  They are so precious to me.  A few years ago I was going through and reading what people wrote.  One boy that I barely knew wrote the coolest thing!  He said that I reminded him of Ayn Rand’s strong female characters.  Apparently that didn’t mean anything to me until 20 years later, but how awesome is that?  I had never read anything by her so I went out immediately and read “Atlas Shrugged” to see if I could see what he was talking about.  I couldn’t.  But it was by far one of the most meaningful things anyone ever wrote.  I often contemplate about going through my yearbooks with a permanent marker to edit things people wrote to make it more…inoffensive for my kids to read.

2 thoughts on “Senior Year

  1. Elissa January 4, 2017 / 7:03 am

    You don’t know me at all which makes this fun – shows how different High School is in Australia

    The year: 1989 In Australia the school year is Jan – Dec

    1. Did you know your significant other then? Yes he was briefly in my ward and made a big impression, wouldn’t re-meet until 5 years later when we were both RM’s but he dosen’t remember me from that time he was in my ward.

    2. Did you carpool to school? Yes – best friend across the road gave me a lift every day

    3. What kind of car did you have? Didn’t have one but the cra i was in most was my best friends and it was was a very old Ford that I used to fix for her as it broke reguarly.

    4. It’s FRIDAY night football, were you there? No such thing as school sports after school in Australia.

    5. What kind of job did you have? Supermarket checkout chick

    6. Were you a party animal? No – I worked really hard at school, felt it was one year to work hard and ignore the social side of things.

    7. Were you considered a jock? No – i wore an old gray ankle length army jacket and Doc Martens – I was seen as a bit weird

    8. Were you in the Choir? No school choir – but I don’t sing so it wouldn’t have anyway

    9. Were you a nerd? Probably becauseI I studied so much and wore weird clothes

    10. Did you get suspended or expelled? No

    11. Can you sing the fight/school song? No such thing

    12. Where did you eat lunch? On the grass outside of the Year 12 common room

    13. What was your school mascot? No such thing

    14. If you could go back and do it again would you? No – it was a very hard year

    15. Are you planning on going to your next high school reunion? Probbaly not – went to 10 year one – but live to far away

    16. Are you still in contact with people from high school? Yes, on facebook as so far away but there are several I visit whenever close.

    17. Do you know where your high school sweetheart is today? I had a few, they are all married with children and happy jobs.

    18. What was your favorite subject? Economics

    19. Do you still have your High School Ring? No we didn’t have them – but I have my senior shirt.

    20. Do you still have your yearbook? Yes – don’t look at often


    • strictly speaking January 4, 2017 / 12:57 pm

      Elissa, thanks so much for playing! It sounds like a totally different experience!


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