Am I a Cynic or Am I Just Old?

Yesterday, one of “The Ladies” came by to pick up the table cloths I had borrowed for the wedding reception and just recently washed and dried to use for a wedding reception for her son on Friday night.  Four of her children are now married.  She has one daughter (Wiyah’s age) who is unmarried.

We were talking briefly as we transported buckets o’ tablecloths to her car.  She mentioned seeing how doting her son and his wife were and how sweet to each other and how they did everything together.  I was nodding.  Yes, I’ve witnessed that.  I totally knew what she was talking about.

So I told a story of how when I was a young newlywed, the Hubba and I did everything together.  And I remember that my mother-in-law wanted us to do something shortly after we were married and we said we couldn’t because we were doing something else (I want to say going to the social security office and getting my name officially changed).  And she was kind of irritated because of course only *I* needed to go do that.  IF I went by myself, then the Hubba would be free to do this other thing.  But there was no way we were going to do it separately.  We were going to do it together.  So we just left my mother-in-law frustrated.

And I concluded my story with seeing how Baboo and Boss have to do everything together and how I just look at them and kind of shake my head because they could be so much more efficient if they could do two different things at once.  They could get so much more done.  And now I understood my mother-in-law.

But the woman I was talking to didn’t agree with my assessment.  She said that she thought it was so sweet and she enjoyed watching them and thought that this was how you form and strengthen that bond when you’re just starting out together.  She also said that it was reminding her so much of when she was a young newlywed–memories that were coming to the surface for the first time in a long time–and that she needed to write them down.


Apparently, I am missing something.  The way she described what she was seeing was just so tender.  I wished that I was seeing and feeling that.  How did I become this way?

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