Pinkleberry is amazing

We had sent the girls to bed but Pink realized she needed to do a load of laundry and asked me if she had time to start it.  I said yes.

I tucked her and Wink in bed, but they purposely stayed up talking until the load was done washing so they could start a second load and get the first one in the dryer.

A while later I was going to bed and thinking about their clothes in the dryer.  I remembered that I had just changed the setting on the dryer for the wedding tablecloths I recently dried and that meant it probably wouldn’t dry Pink’s clothes.  The cycle would stop before it was dry and she’d have damp clothes in the morning.

So I got out from under my heated blanket and went into the laundry room to adjust the setting on the dryer for her.  But she had already taken care of it.

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