The Mind is a Magical Playground with Hidden Nooks and Crannies

This morning, I was waking X up.  And out of nowhere–honestly, I didn’t realize I was about to do this until I was already in the middle of doing it–I started singing.  Did I start singing “The Day Dawn is Breaking” which is the morning song I’ve been singing to my kids for the past 16 years?  I don’t really sing it to X anymore, but it would make sense that that WOULD be the song I absent-mindedly started singing.

No, I started singing “Wake up all the children, no more sleeping in bed…”  Do you even recognize that song?

How about now?  It’s a song that my mom used to play a lot when I was little.  Apparently it came out in 1975 and I would say I haven’t heard since since 1983 maybe.  At first I didn’t remember anything beyond that line.  But as I gave my brain a little room to stretch its leg, lo and behold, it came up with all the rest of the lyrics after just a few minutes.

I wonder why it pulled that dusty song out of my archives then?  Isn’t that just so fascinating?

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