I Just Got a Raise

Lately I have been looking around to see if there were any jobs that caught my fancy.  Turns out my fancy is pretty slippery and hard to pin down.  Anyway, on Tuesday I had my first interview in about 7.5 years.  I was offered the job and declined.

That evening, after I returned home from the interview, Wink asked me to come downstairs into Baboo and Wiyah’s empty room where she and Pink have been playing lately.  She was all dressed up with make up on and had made a desk out of some odds and ends in our basement.  She invited me to sit down and proceeded to interview me for the job of Stay Home Mom.

She outlined my job duties as breakfast, lunch, dinner, and cleaning.  I had to sign off on each task that I agreed to.  I agreed to all of it.  Then there was another form that stated if there was an extra mess, the children had to help.  It wasn’t my sole responsibility.  I signed off on that, too.

She offered to pay me $30–the entire contents of her savings account if I would accept the job.  How could I say no to the best job ever?

So yesterday and today as I’m sitting down to eat dinner with the family, Wink has come to me with money.  Yesterday it was $1 bill and some change.  Today it was the $1 that the tooth fairy brought her last night.  It’s my daily paycheck.


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