Lunch of the Gods

This is still not a food blog.

But this lunch is so good!


When  Baboo got back from her mission to Canada she spoke about Canadian ramen noodles that were so much better than American ramen noodles.  She looked for them, but couldn’t find them here.  Then one day we were in an international store and she saw some and bought them.  She served them to the family for a meal soon thereafter and they were really good!

She continued to purchase them here and there and I always wanted some but rarely partook because she was buying them.  And then suddenly they were stocking them at Smith’s!  And I started buying them, too.  In fact, when we took our trip to D.C., we wanted to save money but weren’t sure about shopping in the area so we took a bunch of packets of these with us.  I LOVED eating them for lunch every day!


I call this photo, “Why These are Better Than Ramen Noodles.”  And can I just say, I actually like ramen noodles to begin with.  I love the texture and despite how unhealthy ramen noodles are, I throw in a handful of mixed veggies and feel like I just ate a good meal.  But in the IndoMie noodles, you get so much more than a package of chicken flavored MSG!  You get sweet soy sauce, chili sauce, seasoning oil, seasoning powder and fried onions.

Also, you completely drain the noodles.  With regular ramen noodles, they are served like a soup where eventually the noodles will absorb whatever water you included (I always halve the water because I hate that) and become gummy and disgusting.  But Indo mie noodles keep their awesome texture.  So if you ever had any leftovers, which I would find difficult to believe, they will be just as great later as now.

The flavor is so outrageously yummy.  I like a moderate amount of spice.  This is at the limits of my spice tolerance.  But the spice really enhances the flavors, not masks it.  And sometimes I think I’d like to drink a sip of milk after a bite, but I usually don’t because I really enjoy the flavors just hanging out on my tongue having their own little party.

I’ve been eating this meal every lunch for the past couple of weeks.  It’s easy, fast and to-die-for delicious.  And it’s probably not, but it just *feels* so much healthier than regular ramen.  (Please don’t tell me otherwise, just let me keep living in my little bubble.)  I usually make two eggs to go with it.  Whatever’s fastest.  Leftover scrambled from breakfast?  Sure!  Hard boiled eggs you made for kids’ lunches?  Yep.  Fried eggs just because?  You betcha!

But I always ate my other ramen with mixed veggies.  I knew that this dish would not let me down.  So today for the first time, I threw some vegetables in.  It was perfection.  I never need another lunch in my life.

I could eat these noodles all day every day, and it’s an effort to only eat one package per day at lunch time.  They cost .47 cents.  Which is three times what regular ramen noodles cost.  And worth every penny.


Looks almost like the picture on the package, no?

Also, apparently there are lots of different flavors.  I have only seen the original and the “hot & spicy”.  We couldn’t tell the difference in taste between the two.  But that’s ok, because this is all I need.

2 thoughts on “Lunch of the Gods

  1. Anonymous January 19, 2017 / 7:01 pm

    I am going to find me some TODAY


    • strictly speaking January 19, 2017 / 7:20 pm

      In my store, ramen noodles are in the soup aisle. But the IndoMie noodles are in with the Asian foods, by the soy sauce. Tell me how you like them!


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