Because I Deactivated My Facebook Account

I’m off facebook for a while.  I do it periodically (thought not periodically enough).  And this morning the Hubba and the boys and Pink are all off playing basketball with my son-in-law and his family.  Wink is still asleep.  It’s snowing outside and I’m using that as an excuse not to clean.

So with no other pressing tasks, I would usually veg out on facebook.  Without facebook, I often find myself at loose ends (which is just really humiliating to admit) like this.  So I figured, now that I have announced my move, I should perhaps find a URL home for my new blog.

Every single URL I come up with has been taken.  Which isn’t suprising because blogs have been around for a long time and there are a near infinite amount of people using them for their purposes and they are free.  I have been coming up with a lot of uniquely me URLs that I’m sure will be available, though.  They are not.  So I keep going to those sites to see the blog that is using my same idea.  And invariably they are defunct blogs that haven’t been written in for years–some of them have no posts whatsoever.  Just an “about me” page.


Which also reminds me that when I want to know something–like how to do something on amazon or facebook, I google it.  And if you aren’t careful you could be finding information for how to do that thing on facebook from 2007–16 generations of facebook ago–that won’t apply at all now.

Then I also think of all the accounts on different sites that I have opened and not used in years.  Many of those accounts are still active but the only way to access them is by using some old defunct email account that I no longer remember.

And I just can’t stand the clutter.  Is there no way to clean up the internet?  I mean, if we can’t even keep that free of cyber-debris and detritus, how on earth can we expect that anything is ever going to get better with the polution of the earth?  How much server space could be freed up if all the old, unnecessary crap on the internet could just be deleted.  Or archived, at least, somewhere else.

One thought on “Because I Deactivated My Facebook Account

  1. ItsBond007 January 21, 2017 / 5:57 pm

    A question well raised Ma’am. Even I think about it sometimes, and am reminded of the joke Facebook made of itself when it said that you could make someone your “heir” and when the person is no longer there, the heir inherits that persons account and can do whatever he/she wants to do.
    Stupid or not stupid, this news’ reception is a fact that people don’t care about these sort of things cause they still find an option.
    Maybe, in the future, when people start realizing it, a solution will be found.


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