Moving Back to Blogger

I know I am going to make this move.  I just don’t know when.  Moving blogs is a big deal and I’ll be sad to lose the history that I made with this one.  But the rest of my whole life is organized on google and this little blog is all alone and lost out here on wordpress.  I spent a decade working with blogger and though it does not have some of the awesome features of wordpress, at least I know them all and they are all free.  I’m always being teased by wordpress.  “Sure, you can do that!  You just have to upgrade to a paid account.”  Also, I saw the first ads on my blog a couple weeks ago.  Advertisements that have nothing to do with me and that I don’t want there.  And it visually clutters up the page.    I can get rid of them.  All I need to do is upgrade to a paid account.  And even though I’ve been using this blog for a while now, it’s just been too much to figure out how to get everything the way I want it.  I still want photos of my kids on the sidebar.  Mostly because I love my kids and want to show them off, but also as a quick reference for new readers who don’t intimately know my family.  In blogger it was so simple.  I can do it in wordpress.  It’s just a more convoluted process.

So the grand experiment is over.  At some point in the future, when I get up my gumption, I’ll be posting a link to my new place back in the blogger subdevelopment of the internet.

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