So Much Art

I am not an artist.  I do not have the eye or patience for art.  I would love to be able to create but just find the whole thing so frustrating.  However, every person in my family has some artistic talent.  Some of them are all-around amazing.  Others have a particular talent in art–for instance, maybe they aren’t great at drawing real life things, but they are  awesome at cartooning.  Even some of them have a talent for drawing stick figures.  And you may not think stick figures are very interesting as an art form.  But MY stick figures are terrible.  But some of my boys can draw stick figures that have personality.  I didn’t even know that was possible.  So I am in awe that the Hubba and all of our kids have this talent that was not heritable through me.  At all.


Pink drew this picture.  I love the “3-D” view to explain what that is above the shoulders.  So awesome.


This is Wink’s.  Look at the perfection of that nose and mouth.  And the coloring!  And look at the lines and angles of those legs and the head and neck.  So awesome.  I was sad, though, because previously this white board had a drawing of Wink in her basketball clothes.  And there were notes written all over like “more hair” or “not so fat ankles”.  And I kept meaning to ask which girl had drawn it and who had made the comments.  Was it the artist critiquing her own work?  Or was it her sister?  Every day I meant to take a photo of it because it was a great picture AND the comments were hilarious.  But apparently I was too slow!  😦


This one is Mack’s.  He was just using Paint on the computer.  I’m totally mesmerized by this and think it looks like a still shot of some action-packed animated adventure.  I don’t know how to explain it but he has totally captured the fact that although you can only see from the shoulders up, this guy has a whole body and you know exactly how he is holding his weapon–even though you can’t see the rest of the picture.  He has been drawing these dudes since he was little.  I have kept a lot of his drawings from when he was younger and some day it’s going to be awesome to make a visual timeline of how he has improved.  I think this is just visually stunning.  And though this piece doesn’t have a lot of it, one of the things I love about his drawings is his use of blank spaces.  You can see it a little bit here at the tip of the weapon.  The very tip is white.  Then it’s blank.  Then the rest of the weapon is black.  He draws like that all the time, using those blank spaces as part of the art.  It’s really cool.

Hopefully soon I will get some photos of all the pieces he has been making in his ceramics class this year.

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