Little Things

*At the Christmas party on Saturday, Kelvinator came up to give me a hug.  X saw him hugging me and came over for a hug, too.  But Kelvinator wouldn’t let him get close enough to hug me.  He kept angling his bootie in the way so X couldn’t get near.  They started fighting over me.  Sometimes I would be hugging Kelvinator.  Then X would squeeze between us and I would be hugging him.  They started trying to compromise by saying “You can have her back end, I get her front end!”  Or “You can have her bottom half, I get her top half.”  This probably went on for a good ten minutes.  It was pretty funny and actually kind of fun.  And they did this in front of everyone.

*A sweet Thank You card from Baboo that I discovered on my bed on really terrible day. She listed reasons she loves her parents and includes:
The fact that I still make her breakfast and lunch every day, that we can talk for 6 hours before realizing we haven’t eaten or peed, that I listen to her cry and always take her side, that we have FHE every Monday night and scriptures and prayer every night, that we always ask questions and stay involved in her life, and that for her whole life she has thought that we’ve perfectly exemplified seeking the Kingdom of God first.


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