I Need More Sleep In My Life

Last night I was exhausted.  And I was cold.  The best (only) place in the house to not be cold is sitting within two feet of the fireplace.  We have one bean bag there and it’s pretty much my spot.  Everybody else in the house lets me get dibs.  But if I’m not there, lots of other people will take my place.

Anyway, last night it was actually a little too warm to sit right there, but if you backed up even a foot, it was too cold.  So I was on my bean bag feeling too warm, but the heat was like a thick blanket and before you know it, I was out cold.  At 8pm.

Around 10pm I started being aware of my surroundings enough to ask what time it was and be surprised that I had crashed so hard.  I got up, made my way upstairs, changed into sleep-time clothes and worried that since I had just slept for two hours and then done all this “activity” that I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep now.  But I was wrong.

I woke up a few times briefly throughout the night but fell back asleep immediately.  Then, when the house was still dark, one of my children (Guess which one.) came in and woke me up and told me that it was already 7:10am.

Just for perspective, my alarm goes off at 5am.  It takes me a bit to get up.  But I brush my teeth, head downstairs, turn up the fire, and get started on the excruciatingly emotionally painful task of trying to figure out what to feed everyone for two meals in the next two hours.  So I (hopefully) make a breakfast (lately we’ve had a LOT of cold cereal, unfortunately, because I just can’t pull it together) and a lunch for everyone.  I make the rounds waking different people up at their respective times and then making the rounds again because only one or two people actually got out of bed the first time.  At 7am, I call everyone together for family prayer.  Then ideally, I leave to take the first round of kids to school at 7:20.

So to just be waking up at 7:10 meant I was WAY off my game this morning.  But oh man.  That sleep was delicious.  Eleven hours of blessed sleep.  It felt so good. I need more of that in my life.  I get teased for getting sleepy so early in the evenings.  And I would love to NOT be sleepy so early in teh evenings.  It makes a lot of things hard.  Especially having time with my husband.  I’m forever falling asleep about ten minutes into movies.  And it’s hard to have a meaningful conversation with him because my brain is just turning off at night.

But I also wish I could just sleep.  Because if you get enough sleep, it’s so easy to wake up in the morning and I do hate starting my day with that feeling of death because you still need a few more hours of sleep to function properly.  I love that feeling of waking up feeling like “I’m ready. Let’s go.”  I don’t know why I need so much sleep.  That 8 hours they say adults need doesn’t come close to cutting it for me.

And hey, if you guessed that Pinkleberry was the one who woke me up this morning, you are correct.  She’s so responsible like that.  She came in and said, “Mom, it’s 7:10 already and I have safety patrol this morning.”  (She has to be at school early for safety patrol on Fridays.)  I told her I was up and to start getting ready.  She offered to go wake everyone else up to but I told her to leave that to me.  It was a crazy morning.

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