
While driving Mack to school…

Mack:  Mom, what’s the biggest cell you know?

Me: Hahaha.  I have no idea!

Mack:  Aw, come on.  Just name any cell.

Me:  I don’t know the names of any cells!

Mack:  Ok, like bacteria…I think they’re single-cells.  E. coli.  Amoeba.  Just name any one.

Me:  Ok, bacteria.

Mack:  Ostrich Egg!  I think that’s the biggest cell.

Me:  How do you know that?  Because in science my teacher told me that all eggs are single cells.  And the Ostrich egg is the biggest.  So that must be the biggest cell.

Mack:  The thing I don’t get is you know how cells have those organelles in them?  Where are they in an ostrich egg.  Wouldn’t you be able to just see them?

I used to think that science was boring, fact-regurgitating, dry, lifeless uninteresting stuff.  But Mack is proving to me on an almost daily basis that the TRULY imaginitive people are scientists.  His brain is amazing.  He is constantly asking me questions about how the world works that I have neve questioned and don’t care about even when the question is posed.  But he finds it all absolutely fascinating and I don’t even know how he comes to think up some of the questions he asks me.  His favorite class in school is Ceramics.  But his second favorite is Science.

Also, he’s right.  I googled it.

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