More Books, I Say!

A year or so ago (I think it was about a year ago), the kids and I really got into reading books together.  Specifically books in a certain genre.  I don’t know what that genre is called but they featured people who were stranded and alone and had to survive on their own outside of civilization.

I love that kind of survival stuff and apparently the kids did, too.  Everyone from X to Wink would gather around in the family room after school while I read a few more chapters.  I wanted to keep it up, but as I found out, there just aren’t that many books written in that particular genre.  Especially for kids!

So after I had tapped out our local library, I kind of gave up.  But as I was decluttering our bookshelves before Christmas, I came across “Island of the Blue Dolphins”.  I had read it years ago and forgotten all about it!  I couldn’t wait to read it to the kids.  I actually couldn’t remember what it was about so I was re-reading the back cover and something about the story reminded me of Robinson Crusoe.  Duh.

I had read an abridged version of Robinson Crusoe several years ago as well and really liked it.  While I don’t remember the whole story very well, there is still vivid imagery of certain scenes etched in my brain.  I know that my kids would love the descriptions of those scenes.

So last night at dinner we were talking about these books I wanted to read them and it was all I could do not to describe things from Robinson Crusoe to them.  I wanted to tell them so badly.  But I also did not want to spoil the story!  It was torture.  We continued to talk about things and the Hubba mentioned how much he loved Swiss Family Robinson.  All of us had seen and loved the movie but only the Hubba had read the book.  Because I felt like the book was kind of dense reading and since everyone had already watched the movie, I wasn’t really interested in reading that book.

So this morning I decided to go downstairs and grab “Island of the Blue Dolphins” to read after school today.  And it was right next to “Swiss Family Robinson” on the shelf.  I didn’t even know we owned a copy.   So I took that as a sign.  Then I got online and found a free abridged version of Robinson Crusoe, too.

I don’t even know where to start!  But I’m excited to do this again!

One thought on “More Books, I Say!

  1. Janalee January 18, 2017 / 7:30 pm

    Robinson Crusoe is one of my top 5 favorite books. It starts a little put-put and one can be tempted to toss it, but once he’s on the island, it the purest form of gold. all the survival, how he teaches himself to build boats and shelters and gardens. It made me want to be abandoned on an island. it’s religious too.

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